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What does Algo mean in medical terms?

Algo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “ppain.” It is occasionally used in medical terms, especially in psychiatry and pathology. Algo- comes from the Greek álgos, meaning “pain.” Similar in meaning and use to algo- are odyno- and -odynia, which derive from odýnē, also meaning “pain.”

Who are Algo & what do they do?

Algo were tasked with the construction of a new indoor and outdoor play barn with party rooms, restaurant, retail and staff areas. The party rooms … Craigies Farm ShopRead More » Aberargie Distillery Algo were first appointed by Aberargie Distillery in 2016 to construct a new distillery.

What is the difference between Algo and odynia?

Algo- comes from the Greek álgos, meaning “pain.” Similar in meaning and use to algo- are odyno- and -odynia, which derive from odýnē, also meaning “pain.” Corresponding forms of algo- combined to the end of words are -algia, as in ovarialgia, or -algy, as in coxalgy.

What is an algo plug-in?

Today many big trades are fed into computers running "algo" programs, which then execute them automatically in small packets. An algo can execute more swiftly than an individual using a GUI. The plug in uses a key part of Google’s search algo.

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